Everyone is welcome to check into the local net on 146.790 each night at 8:30PM. On Sunday night we encourage everyone to check into the Anderson/Abbeville county ARES/RACES Skywarn Hearts net.
To make contact with Net Control, please program your radio to the frequency of 146.790 with an offset of -000.600. As a common courtesy, the Net Control will ask for users to check-in and follow-up to ensure the information is correct. Please stand by to confirm that Net Control has received all of your information. Thanks!

Nightly Nets (2-Meter)
Monday – John Seigler KF4CKT
Tuesday – Marion McMillan KO4HJO
Wednesday – Russell Myrick KN4TUI
Thursday – Jennifer Sontag KN4PZB
Friday – Sue Fuller Pickens W3SUE / Linda Williams KB3KVU
Saturday – Rich Shalayda K4NWX
ARES Nets (HF)
1st & 3rd Mondays @1800 Hrs. SC ARES – 3.993.5 Mhz

Can you substitute as a back up Net Control Operator if a regular weekly Net Control Operator will be absent? Or can you volunteer on a weekly basis as an ARC’s Net Control Operator?
If you can help, please email Jennifer Sontag .